Tag: short story

One with the Night – Lydia Palmquist

One with the Night – Lydia Palmquist

Deep darkness encompassed, encroached, and enforced its power upon the landscape and all who dwell there. Engulfing the sidewalk, road, hillsides, and city, the tenebrific night left nothing untouched. It smothered the branching trees and harnessed the endless sky. The condescending darkness weighed down on […]

A Mindful Conversation – Autumn Seiwert

A Mindful Conversation – Autumn Seiwert

There I was, standing in a plush, grassy field on a scorching afternoon in the summer. Perspiration blanketed every square inch of my body and slowly trickled down my forehead, bringing the sunblock I had spread over my face into my eyes. I squeezed my […]

Emotional Roller Coaster by Sabrina Seiwert

Emotional Roller Coaster by Sabrina Seiwert

I’ve always hated shots.  I mean, honestly, who doesn’t?  The raw trepidation of the whole process is absolutely terrifying. It all starts with going into the doctor’s office, with the small gleam of hope that maybe, just maybe, I won’t have to get one this […]

Making a Mess: Some Thoughts on Craft, Instinct, and George Saunders by Lissa Torres

Making a Mess: Some Thoughts on Craft, Instinct, and George Saunders by Lissa Torres

When was the last time a craft book was on the New York Times Bestseller list? Not sure, apart from George Saunders’ A Swim in a Pond in the Rain (2021). The book takes several classic Russian short stories and considers them from a writer’s […]

Interview with contributor Ezekiel Grabau

Interview with contributor Ezekiel Grabau

This past spring, with sat down with Ezekiel Grabau to talk about his story “Linoleum Tiles,” featured in our spring 2020 issue. 1) Where did you get the inspiration for “Linoleum Tiles?”  My inspiration for “Linoleum Tiles” came as always from my personal experience. I […]

Back-up Your Conscience by Eileen Heintz

Back-up Your Conscience by Eileen Heintz

A black limousine crawled up to the emptying research building. The chauffer unfolded himself from the front seat, adjusted his cap forward on his head, and took his place at the car’s back door to await his passengers. A well-dressed young couple with a map […]