Tag: realistic fiction

One with the Night – Lydia Palmquist

One with the Night – Lydia Palmquist

Deep darkness encompassed, encroached, and enforced its power upon the landscape and all who dwell there. Engulfing the sidewalk, road, hillsides, and city, the tenebrific night left nothing untouched. It smothered the branching trees and harnessed the endless sky. The condescending darkness weighed down on […]

The Literature of Life – Annika Doberenz

The Literature of Life – Annika Doberenz

I had not stood up for hours. My legs were squished, but I could not have cared less. My head was stuck in a book, and I was splendidly happy. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and poked my head out to see who […]

Review of Kathleen Glasgow’s “Girl in Pieces” by Hannah Dosch

Review of Kathleen Glasgow’s “Girl in Pieces” by Hannah Dosch

Rating: 4.5/5 If you need a book that will make you feel emotional, this is the book for you. Girl in Pieces deals with difficult topics such as depression, self-harm, addiction, and human trafficking. Although the topics are somewhat upsetting and might cause the reader […]