Readers Wonder: Karee Henrich

In our “Readers Wonder” series, Bethany students sit down with our Inkwell contributors to talk about the writing process and the pieces that appear in our issues.
In this installment, Doris talks to Karee Henrich about her piece: “Remember,” which was published in our Spring 2019 issue.
After Joy Harjo
By Karee Henrich
Remember the hands of your grandmother, but go past the aches and pains they hold. Remember instead when they were strong and held you close. Remember how they guided your own once small hands, as you learned to measure flour into the bright red kitchenaid. Remember the patience stored within their marrow. Remember the days spent pouring out the jar of mismatched buttons onto the countertop. Remember her helping you sort them by color, texture, and everything in between; teaching you how they are to be sewn to shirts. Remember the woman she taught you to be. Remember when she built you cities with clothespins and king sized sheets, crawling under their roofs to snuggle next to you and read you books with adventures too big for clothespins to cling to. Remember her kindness and her habit of accidentally making too many cookies for one house, leaving her no choice but to send a plate home with anyone that would walk through the back door. Remember to give the bad ones to the birds. Remember to call her, even when you’re busy. Remember to call her, especially when you’re busy. Remember to thank her for the work of her hands. Remember to thank her. Remember.