Author: inkwell

The Immortal Joys of Rediscovered Childhood by Heidi Riebau

The Immortal Joys of Rediscovered Childhood by Heidi Riebau

I had this notion when I was little that adults were boring and uninteresting. They never seemed to have any fun. In fact, they always seemed to take fun away. Bedtime is at 9:00. No splurging in the candy aisle. Shoes must be worn outdoors. […]

Sentimentalia – Norah Kratz

Sentimentalia – Norah Kratz

Sitting on the carpet,  falling asleep on a cream painted windowsill. I was a velvety little girl, with sour candy veins It was naptime, but my eyes were winking, young  Crept to the glass and looked at the children Searching for blue eggs, round heads […]

Sleep. by Madalynn Mumme

Sleep. by Madalynn Mumme

How wonderful a state of consciousness is. An aspect of every living being – the proof of our humanity. Throughout history, it has been a pillar upon which we can strive. Work can only be properly done with proceeding slumber. There could be no change […]

On Dreams and Dreamers: A Liberal Arts Reflection by Davis Smith

On Dreams and Dreamers: A Liberal Arts Reflection by Davis Smith

Why is it that artists since the dawn of recorded civilization have constructed their works upon the archetype of the dreamer and the dream? Let us define “dream” not only as an ideal which rules our passions and pleasures—a synonym for “aspiration”—but as an epitome […]

Logophilia: The Love of Words and Word Games by Lars Johnson

Logophilia: The Love of Words and Word Games by Lars Johnson

(To Angelique, my Chrysanthemum) When was the last time you used an antiquated term or phrase in casual conversation? Like “quaff” or “woo”—can woo be quaffed or quenched or is it only pitched? And where did the phrase “pitching woo” come from anyway? Just what […]

3AM by Norah Kratz

3AM by Norah Kratz

3AM and the rain was beating a soprano drum beat down on the roof outside my window. The thunder chimed in with the bass, and the lightning with that glitzy, snapping flute, and chaos never sounded so much like rich jazz. So it was the […]

The Black Cat II by Xavier Palmer

The Black Cat II by Xavier Palmer

The reason that I wrote this story was originally for one of my classes. It was supposed to be a futuristic retelling of an Edgar Allan Poe story, which I was able to choose; however, it became much more than a quick retelling of one […]

Girl, Shining By Norah Kratz

Girl, Shining By Norah Kratz

This was a piece I created at the beginning of the year, probably towards the first week of school. It was a shorter process than I’m used to simply because I was so intent on finishing it that I really just worked on it whenever […]

Being Shown New Worlds Through Literacy by Madalynn Mumme

Being Shown New Worlds Through Literacy by Madalynn Mumme

SCRATCH SCRATCH SCRATCH. My friend draws all over her paper and turns towards me. I glance up from my masterpiece of artwork and look at hers. How Cute! A little baby kitty and its mommy kitty! “I love it, Olivia,” I exclaim. “I will show […]

Return to the Unfamiliar: Study Tour Reflections by Davis Smith

I. Unrootedness  We moderns exist in a vacuous vault, floating about without roots in the tenuous, unanchored space of corporate life, entertainment culture, and the Internet. The Western world has succeeded in creating societies that are very efficient and very happy, but cut off from […]