Dear God… Am I Doing This Right? – Jordyn Risse

Dear God… Am I Doing This Right? – Jordyn Risse

Come Lord Jesus, be our gue- wait, no that’s meal time… Now I lay me down to- is that too childish? Should I be past impersonal memorized prayers? I mean, I feel like everyone just talks now. I should be praying like everyone else… Heyyyy God. Wait no I learned about a format for this in confirmation. Thanks first, right? Or praise. Definitely praise…God, you are so great. Okay check…Thank you for today. Thank you for my family, or for most of them I guess… No… I should be thankful for all of them. Thank you for all of my family…Can I move on to the part where I ask for things? Have I done enough praise? God, I can’t believe how creative and powerful you are. Thank you… No, I’m still on parise. How can I praise him without thanking him?I feel like this shouldn’t be that hard. I’m just going to move on… Move… Am I comfortable right now? Should I move? You should be physically comfortable while praying, right?… Oh right, I’m praying. God, please protect me as I sleep… wow how original no one’s ever prayed that before oh wait everyone has you pray like a 5 year old…  I wish I had the faith of a 5 year old…I feel like they all love Jesus so much… I loved VBS so much… I wonder what happened to that cute guy from VBS that one year…  I mean we were 7 but I wonder if he’s still cute… I mean not that it matters that I have a boyfriend but objectively cute…Oh my gosh I’m still praying  and looking after my family and friends. Give me wisdom and safety as I enter this school year, be with those who are healing from injury, and those who have recently experienced natural disaster, and look after my residents wiiiith everything they need(?) and uhhh oh my goodness I’ve been praying for 30 seconds and I’m out of things to say… I am so tired I just want to go to bed…No, I need to work on my prayer life…Did I get everything done today?… I feel like I forgot something… Oh crap I forgot to text my boyfriend … Don’t say crap, its a sin, I think… Is crap a swear word?… maybe a little one… if there are little swear words there are big swear words… what is the biggest swear word…how on earth are swearing and murder the same level of sin… is swearing even actually a sin, or am I confused and it’s just something you shouldn’t do… what are sins? I know the ten commandments but there’s gotta be more… what if there’s a secret eleventh commandment that Moses forgot… don’t be ridiculous it’s the Bible there are no secrets… but if there are no secrets then why don’t we know everything… because we’re human and dumb that’s why… We are STILL trying to pray, Why can’t we just focus? Why is this so hard for us? This is so easy for everyone else… There’s no shame in starting over right? Even though he’s been here the whole time…

Dear God… Am I Doing This Right? Please Help…


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