see your work published
Inkwell is the student literary magazine at Bethany Lutheran College. It contains a variety of creative work including poetry, prose, short plays, creative nonfiction, non-English works alongside translations, and visual art. We publish annually in the spring.
- We welcome submissions from Bethany students, alumni, and staff. We look for quality, polished pieces that represent the best of the Bethany community’s creative work.
- Inkwell does not accept previously published work.
- Submissions should be attached as either .doc, .docx, .pdf* or .jpeg* files. (*for art submissions)
- Multiple submissions are accepted and pieces may be submitted for publication on our website and the magazine.
- We ask that you let us know if you’re submitting as a current student, alumni, or faculty/staff member.
- The submission deadline is 11:55 p.m. on December 1st, 2023
Use this form to submit work to the magazine:
We appreciate work grounded in strong images, but try us. We often don’t know what we’ll love till we read it. Submit poetry work single spaced.
We primarily look for short stories, but novel excerpts are acceptable if self-contained. We typically publish pieces under 5,000 words.
Visual Art
We are interested in any form of visual art, be it graphic design, charcoal, drawings, photography, or anything in between. All visual art will be published in color. Electronic submissions only.
Non-English & Translations
We publish original non-English submissions accompanied by their English translation. We prefer poetry and flash fiction/flash essays in this category.
We welcome sharp, engaging plays ten pages and under. Excerpts from larger works are acceptable if self-contained. Intended for screen or
Creative Nonfiction
We are interested in memoir, personal essays, profiles, lyric essays, and literary journalism. Book reviews and traditional academic essays are not considered. We typically publish pieces under 5,000 words.
All accepted pieces go through an editorial process.
Inkwell staff is also willing to offer critiques to students preparing work for submissions.
Students are strongly encouraged to use the Ada Stokes Writing Center to workshop pieces.