The 21-Day Writing Challenge is a fun activity for anyone who likes writing, or would like to practice developing their writing skills. The 21-Day Writing Challenge is designed to be a informal activity, for any and all majors, and is not supposed to be perfect or polished writing.The goal of the writing challenge is to write a minimum of 400 words everyday for 21 days. Your total number of days will be counted (not just consecutive days), and depending on how many days you complete, you may be eligible to win prizes!
- 400+ words
- Daily submission must be emailed by midnight to inkwell@blc.edu
- Must NOT be written for any other purpose
- Submissions can be ANY creative genre, including poetry, fiction, or nonfiction
- Feel free to write one continuous story, broken up into 400+ word sections each day
- Option of following daily prompts
- Writing “DO NOT READ” in the subject line means we won’t read it!
To encourage submissions to our annual Inkwell magazine, we will be reading the challenges. When we find entries we like, we will ask the author if they would consider editing it and then submitting it to the Inkwell magazine. However, if you do not want us to read your entries, just say “Do Not Read” in the subject of the email, and we will only check the word count. If you sign up for the challenge, everyday you will receive an email with some prompts. However, you can write about whatever you’d like; you are not required to follow the prompts. We ask that you do not submit work you’re already writing or have already written: this contest is about getting into the habit of writing something new every day. (Academic essay submissions or clearly edited, copy-and-pasted writing will not count towards your days completed).